商科论文:创新过程-马云 Innovation Process: Jack Ma

发表于:2022-08-17 17:37:57 范文

Table of Contents 目录

1.0 Management summary 管理摘要

2.0 Introduction 导言

3.0 Jack Ma 马云

4.0 Innovation process 创新过程

4.1 Problem 问题

4.2 Idea 想法

4.3 Selecting the best idea 选择更佳想法

4.4 Testing and Implementation of the Idea 理念的测试和实施

5.0 Conclusion 结论

Reference List 参考清单

1.0 Management summary 管理摘要

Entrepreneurship and innovation are among the concepts that have gained a wide attention from different sections of society among them the academic field and government institutions. Notably, despite the desire for every person to associate himself or herself with entrepreneurial behaviour, it is only those who have nurtured the ability to see problems as opportunities in society who have a chance of becoming great entrepreneurs. On the other hand, innovation involves successful development of new products and/or service in society. Notably, as will be emphasised in this report, both entrepreneurship and innovation are anchored on the ability to generate progressive ideas that are capable of bringing solutions in society. For instance, Jack Ma, through developing an idea to establish a platform for SMEs to exchange information in China ended up creating one of the largest online companies in world. Importantly, innovation and entrepreneurship are not just single events but rather processes that are built over time as one learn and gain more understanding concerning particular aspects.

企业家精神和创新是社会各界广泛关注的概念之一,其中包括学术界和政府机构。值得注意的是,尽管每个人都希望将自己与创业行为联系起来,但只有那些培养了将问题视为社会机遇的能力的人才有机会成为伟大的企业家。另一方面,创新涉及在社会上成功开发新产品和/或服务。值得注意的是,正如本报告将强调的那样,企业家精神和创新都建立在产生进步思想的能力之上,这些思想能够为社会带来解决方案。例如,马云(Jack Ma)提出了在中国建立中小企业信息交流平台的想法,最终创建了世界上更大的在线公司之一。重要的是,创新和创业不仅仅是一个单一的事件,而是随着时间的推移而形成的过程,随着人们对特定方面的学习和理解的加深。

2.0 Introduction 导言

Innovation is one of the key processes that play an instrumental role in facilitating change through the introduction of new products and/or services in society. Over the years, there have emerged numerous innovators whose novel ideas have been instrumental in transforming the society for good. Among these is Jack Ma. This report, with reference to key innovation process stages, critical evaluates how Ma as an entrepreneur spotted, developed through testing and implemented Alibaba as a novel idea and as an opportunity. With this in mind, the report will start by looking problem that Ma intended to address as a potential opportunity, the actual idea behind Alibaba Group, how Ma and his colleagues selected the best idea, and lastly, its implementation process. The report will also highlight the business model that Ma’s Alibaba adopted in order to implement it as an idea. Importantly, the report will consider different entrepreneurial theories to support its argument.

