卫生事业管理学论文thesis代写-Comprehensive National Health System: Primary Health Care 综合卫生系统-初级卫生保健

发表于:2022-08-17 17:37:53 范文

Introduction 介绍

One of the sectors in economies across the globe that continue to receive significant attention both different sections of society is the healthcare sector. In reference to Doeksen and Schott (2003), a health population plays a critical role not only in reducing the cost of healthcare but also in ensuring available of a healthy workforce, who significantly contribute to economic growth and development. Therefore, governments, leaders and institutions such as non-governmental organisations have over the years convened meetings, seminars and conferences to deliberate on the best approach to promote a healthy global society. Among these deliberations was the International Conference that was held between September 6 and 12, 1978, in Almaty, Kazakhstan (Green, 2007). At the end of this conference, the Declaration of Alma-Ata was adopted in a bid to urge the global community, governments and all development and health workers to support and safeguard the health of everyone in society irrespective of their social, cultural and economic status (Green, 2007). This paper evaluates this declaration, and particularly focuses on its goal that sought to encourage governments to “launch and sustain primary health care as part of its comprehensive national health system” in collaboration with other sectors. As such, the paper examine why it is difficult to achieve this goal in most countries across the globe, both developed and developing, and how it can be achieved.


Primary health care 初级保健

To begin with, primary health care was the core theme in the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration. In reference to WHO (2018), primary health care entails caring for people in society rather than just seeking to treat specific medical conditions or diseases. With this in mind, primary health involves preventive approach to health, enhanced management of chronic diseases and conditions, as well as palliative care. In reference to Greenhalgh (2013), primary care can also be defined as a situation where an ill person, a person who would like to avoid getting ill, or the one who thinks is ill, consults a professional in the health care sector in a community setup for treatment, tests, advice or referral to the care of a specialist. Speaking from this perspective, primary care goes beyond a person seeking medical attention to the establishment of a relationship between health care professionals and the community at large.

