影视学essay代写(2):Secondary Source Integration 二次源集成

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:59 范文

There are a number of questions that emerge from the trailer of the, Dangal, and Najar’s article that was published in the New York Times newspapers. To begin with, one of these questions regards whether girls and as such women have any importance or rather value in society, and particularly in this case, the Indian society. Another question that emerges regards whether the preference of boy to girls at a family level is reflected in society, especially when the girls have become grown up women in society. To shed more light on these questions, there is a need to examine the Neetha’s article, Persistent inequalities and deepened burden of work?: An analysis of women’s employment in Delhi, which appeared in the book edited by Saraswati Raju, and Santosh Jatrana, Women Workers in Urban India,, as one of the chapters. In this article, Neetha observes that women participation in the workforce is only 10.7 percent against men’s participation, which stood at 52.7 percent by 2011. These statistics furthers notes that most women worked as household workers and teachers while most men worked in the manufacturing and construction industries. Speaking this perspective, Neetha shed light onto the fact that whereas the employment sectors may not explicitly mention the perceived value of men over women in the Indian society, the discrimination of women and as such, their participation and discrimination levels point to fact that men were perceived to be better than women in the labor market. Therefore, it is necessary to observe that Neetha’s findings link to the perception that is depicted in the trailer of the movie, Dangal, in the sense that the negative perception towards female children with regard to the value and benefit to the family is reflected in the society at large when they have grown into women whereby they are perceived as being of less value as compared to men in the labor force. Therefore, most employers are likely to employ men as compared to women in society. Similarly, women were concentrated in jobs that were considered of less value to society and required low physical and mental while men were employed in jobs that were considered of high value and required a high level physical and mental strength.

在《纽约时报》报纸上刊登的《泰晤士报》、《丹加尔》和《纳贾尔》的文章预告片中出现了许多问题。首先,其中一个问题涉及到女孩及其女性在社会中,尤其是在印度社会中是否具有任何重要性或价值。出现的另一个问题是,在家庭一级,男孩对女孩的偏爱是否反映在社会上,特别是当女孩在社会上成为成年妇女时。为了进一步阐明这些问题,有必要研究Neetha的文章《持续的不平等和加深的工作负担?》:《德里妇女就业分析》一书由萨拉斯瓦蒂·拉朱(Saraswati Raju)和桑托什·贾特拉纳(Santosh Jatrana,印度城市女工)编辑,作为其中一章。在这篇文章中,Neetha观察到,女性劳动力参与率只有10.7%,而男性劳动力参与率到2011年为52.7%。这些统计数据进一步说明,大多数妇女从事家务劳动和教师工作,而大多数男子从事制造业和建筑业。从这个角度讲,Neetha阐明了一个事实,即尽管就业部门可能没有明确提到印度社会中男性对女性的感知价值、对女性的歧视等,他们的参与程度和歧视程度表明,在劳动力市场上,男性被认为比女性更好。因此,有必要观察Neetha的发现与电影《Dangal》预告片中描述的感知有关,从这个意义上讲,当女性儿童成长为女性时,社会普遍对其家庭价值和利益产生了消极的看法,认为她们在劳动力中的价值低于男性。因此,与社会上的女性相比,大多数雇主可能雇佣男性。同样,妇女集中从事被认为对社会价值较低、需要较低体力和脑力的工作,而男子则从事被认为价值较高、需要较高体力和脑力的工作。

There is a need to observe that the trailer of the movie, Dangal, points to a critical aspect regarding the socialization process in society and the persistent discrimination against women. In the earlier part of the trailer, one of the characters, Mahavir Singh, is frustrated by the fact that his lack of a male child was the greatest impediment to him achieving the dream of winning a gold medal for India. For example, in the movie, the mother of Geeta and Babita thought that wrestling was for boys while their father thought that only a son could help him achieve his dream by winning a gold medal for India. Note that the socialization process in the Indian society promotes the aspect that men were male children are better than female children since they are the only ones capable of achieving anything for the family. Najar and Neetha echo these observations in their articles. For instance, Najar notes that most family believed that sons are the only ones capable of continuing the family lineage and taking care of their elderly parents, while Neetha reiterates that most women in the Indian society are only employed in chores that seem to be of low value to society. With this in mind, the movie, Dangal, and the Neetha’s and Najar’s articles point to the fact that women discrimination in society is a problem that is embedded in gender socialization process.

需要注意的是,电影的预告片Dangal指出了社会社会化进程和对妇女的持续歧视的一个关键方面。在预告片的前半部分,其中一个角色马哈维尔·辛格(Mahavir Singh)感到沮丧,因为他没有一个男孩是他实现为印度赢得梦想的更大障碍。例如,在电影中,吉塔和巴比塔的母亲认为摔跤是男孩的事,而他们的父亲认为只有儿子才能帮助他实现梦想,为印度赢得一枚。请注意,印度社会的社会化进程促进了一个方面,即男性儿童比女性儿童更好,因为他们是能够为家庭取得任何成就的人。Najar和Neetha在他们的文章中回应了这些观察结果。例如,Najar指出,大多数家庭认为儿子是能够延续家族血统并照顾年迈父母的人,而Neetha重申,印度社会中的大多数妇女只从事对社会价值较低的家务活。考虑到这一点,电影《丹加尔》以及尼莎和纳贾尔的文章指出,社会中的女性歧视是一个植根于性别社会化过程中的问题。
