
发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:08 范文

There are different reasons why corporations in different environments across the globe are encouraged to embrace corporate social responsibility practices. To begin with, sustainability is among the core reasons why corporation are motivated to adopt social responsibility practices. In reference to Wright and Bennett (2011), there are concerns that when corporations purely pursue profit maximisation, they are likely to engage in practices that undermine the livelihood of the society in which they operate as well as infringe on the rights and privileges of different stakeholders such as employees and customers. For instance, rather than just using natural resources to ensure that that a corporation increases its profitability, corporate social responsibility proponent champion for the need for such corporation to ensure that their activities have little or no effect at all on the environment, thus creating a platform for future societies to meet their needs using similar resources. Thus, the protection of the natural environment and the ecosystem is among the key reasons why corporations are encouraged to integrate corporate social responsibility programs in their operations.


Apart from this, another factor that continues to contribute to the call for implementation of corporate social responsibility programs in corporations is ethics and governance. According to Sehwartz and Carroll (003), whereas corporations have a responsibility towards ensuring that they create value for their shareholders and investors, the adherence to such responsibility should not in any way violate laws, regulations and ethical practices in the industry in which such corporations operate in. In his research on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate governance, Tuan (2012) observes that when corporations engage in ethics of care, this helps nurture ethical corporate social responsibility and as such positively influence their corporate governance. For instance, if a corporation has often hosts community clinics to offer free treatment for certain ailments and sicknesses, it is unlikely to engage in actions that could contribute to such ailments and diseases. The implementation of refraining measures that could have a negative impact on society in which it operates help encourage the adoption and implementation of corporate governance practices in such a corporation. Thus, corporate social responsibility plays an instrumental role in promoting corporate governance in corporations.


In addition to these, research and studies reveal that the adoption of corporate social responsibility measures in corporations help nurture innovation and creativity. Researchers and scholars agree that for corporations to enhance good practices in their operations and as such, reduce their negative impact on the environment, they have to engage in the development of modern production process that not only preserve energy but also the environment (Poussing 2016). Furthermore, apart from improving the efficiency and the environmental friendliness of their production processes, corporations are encouraged to implement social responsibility programs since they help them to focus on producing goods and services that have little or no impact at all on the environment and society as a whole. For instance, companies such as Hewlett Packard and Microsoft have in consistently focused on manufacturing energy efficient products with an aim of reducing the impacts of their products on aspects such as climate change and global warming. Thus, rather than just focusing on their immediate societies, such corporations have focused on ensuring that they have a positive impact even on societies that are thousands of miles away from their headquarters.

除此之外,研究和研究表明,企业采用企业社会责任措施有助于培养创新和创造力。研究人员和学者一致认为,为了提高企业运营中的良好实践,减少其对环境的负面影响,企业必须参与现代生产工艺的开发,不仅要保护能源,还要保护环境(Pousing 2016)。此外,除了提高生产过程的效率和环境友好性外,还鼓励企业实施社会责任计划,因为它们帮助企业专注于生产对环境和整个社会几乎没有影响或根本没有影响的商品和服务。例如,惠普(Hewlett-Packard)和微软(Microsoft)等公司一直专注于制造节能产品,以减少其产品对气候变化和全球变暖等方面的影响。因此,这些公司不仅专注于其直接的社会,还专注于确保它们甚至对距离总部数千英里的社会产生积极影响。
