
发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:07 范文

Similarly, Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and the third party who obtained user data from Facebook all lied in different ways regarding their actions. Facebook refused to accept that claims that data of its users had been accessed by unauthorised third parties and there was no guarantee that the obtained data was secure. On the contrary, Facebook knew that its user data had been obtained by Cambridge Analytica and tried to engage in private negotiation for have this company delete the data. Cambridge Analytica lied that it did not have Facebook user data, a factor that was denied by one of its employees who noted that the company had hundreds of gigabytes of Facebook data on its servers, and that the servers were noted secured in any way. Therefore, by lying to the public, the parties that were involved in the data breach were engaged in unethical behaviour.

类似地,Facebook、Cambridge Analytica和从Facebook获取用户数据的第三方都以不同的方式对自己的行为撒谎。Facebook拒绝接受关于其用户的数据被未经授权的第三方访问的说法,也不能保证获得的数据是安全的。相反,Facebook知道其用户数据是由Cambridge Analytica获得的,并试图与该公司进行私下谈判,要求该公司删除这些数据。Cambridge Analytica谎称其没有Facebook用户数据,但其一名员工否认了这一点。该员工指出,该公司的服务器上有数百GB的Facebook数据,而且服务器以任何方式都是安全的。因此,通过向公众撒谎,参与数据泄露的各方都参与了不道德的行为。

Key Ethical Issue(s) and/or Concern(s) 关键道德问题和/或关注点

There are a number of key ethical issues and concerns that arise from the article. To begin with, one of these issues is corporate governance issue. Notably, from the perspective of corporate governance, businesses and organisations are supposed to act and be controlled by certain rules and practices and as such, be able to balance the interests of its stakeholders (Machold, Ahmed and Farquhar 2008). This means that the interests of one stakeholder should not violate the interests of other stakeholders. Whereas this is the case, it is clear from the article that the interests of the customers of Cambridge Analytica, that is, politicians, violated the interests of other people, particularly in the American community. In this case, whereas politicians that were connected to the presidential candidate Donald Trump wanted him to win the elections, the actions of this company violated the rights of the normal American citizens with regard to making political decisions.


Another element of ethics that is present in the article is integrity and trust. Arguably, both organisations and individuals need to promote the highest level of integrity in their work and as such, manage to present themselves to their stakeholders as people and organisations that can be trusted. Whereas this is the case, an argument by the CEO of Cambridge Analytica that they were capable of framing or implicate politicians across the globe indicates that as a CEO, he lacked integrity and therefore, cannot be trusted. In the same way, the third party who obtained data from Facebook because he wanted to use it for academic research cannot be trusted too since he lacks integrity. Note that rather than using the data he had obtained for his research purposes, he shared this data with Cambridge Analytica, which used it to make its own profits. According to Mont, Pearson and Bramhall (2003), individuals and organisations should maintain the highest possible level of integrity and trust when using personal data of their users or customers.

