管理学essay代写(2):Spark New Zealand: Change Management Strategy 新西兰星火-变革管理战略

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:50 范文

Micro-environment analysis 微环境分析

To begin with, an analysis of Spark New Zealand’s micro-environment using SWOT analysis reveals a number of things. Notably, this company has a strong brand portfolio that it has built over the years. Similarly, the company has a highly skilled workforce that it has developed through consistent training programs. In addition, Spark New Zealand has a strong free cash flow and a highly developed distribution network (Spark New Zealand, 2018c).



Figure 1: Spark New Zealand SWOT Analysis  图1:Spark新西兰SWOT分析

Similarly, one of the major weaknesses of Spark New Zealand is embedded in the fact that it has been unable to diversify its services and add a new segment of products to its current line of products. In addition, the company has low investment in research and development as compared to its close competitors, a factor that undermines its capability to innovate. While this is the case, the major opportunities that Spark New Zealand has include new customer market through ecommerce channel, increasing customer spending on technology products due to growing New Zealand economy, and the emerging new technologies, which provide the company with an opportunity to offer new products and services on the market (Spark New Zealand, 2018c). Despite the existence of these opportunities, Spark New Zealand faces a number of threats including disruptive technology that could alter demand of its products and services (King & Baatartogtokh, 2015). Furthermore, the declining availability of skilled workforce due to the high demand for such workers is a threat to Spark New Zealand. In line with this, one of the factors in Spark New Zealand that may create a need for organisational change is the need to develop a strong research and development departments to drive innovation in this company. Similarly, the need to diversify its range of products as well as enter new markets is also an opportunity that promotes the need for this company to implement organisational change. Importantly, to implement these changes, this company needs to redefine its managerial control. Notably, the company will need to restructure in order to create room for a dedicated research and development department, as well as introduce a product/service development section to help diversify its product portfolio. Furthermore, the management of this company needs to create a framework to allow easy and early adoption of technology in its operations.

同样,Spark New Zealand的一个主要弱点在于,它无法使其服务多样化,无法在现有产品线中增加新的产品细分。此外,与紧密竞争对手相比,该公司在研发方面的投资较低,这是削弱其创新能力的一个因素。在这种情况下,Spark New Zealand的主要机遇包括通过电子商务渠道开拓新的客户市场,由于新西兰经济的增长,客户在技术产品上的支出不断增加,以及新兴的新技术,这为公司提供了在市场上提供新产品和服务的机会(新西兰星火,2018c)。尽管存在这些机会,Spark New Zealand仍面临许多威胁,包括可能改变其产品和服务需求的破坏性技术(King&Baatartogtokh,2015)。此外,由于对熟练劳动力的高需求,熟练劳动力的可用性不断下降,这对新西兰构成了威胁。

与此相一致,Spark New Zealand可能需要组织变革的一个因素是需要建立一个强大的研发部门来推动公司的创新。同样,需要使其产品范围多样化以及进入新市场也是一个机会,促使该公司需要实施组织变革。重要的是,为了实施这些变革,该公司需要重新定义其管理控制。值得注意的是,该公司需要重组,以便为专门的研发部门创造空间,并引入产品/服务开发部门,以帮助其产品组合多样化。此外,该公司的管理层需要创建一个框架,以便在其运营中轻松、尽早地采用技术。
