
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:24 范文

Table of Content 目录

Executive summary 执行摘要

Background 背景

Strategy and Resource Management 战略和资源管理

Understanding the role of power in a strategy 了解权力在战略中的作用

Strategy and action work together  战略和行动共同作用

The dynamics of competitive advantage 竞争优势的动态

Strategic thinking mindset 战略思维定势

Change is inevitable 改变是不可避免的

Conclusion and Recommendation 结论和建议

References 参考文献

Appendix  附录

Executive summary 执行摘要

This brief examines the advice that Richard Rumelt promotes in his book. Among the selected issues that the brief addresses including the role of resource management in strategy development and implementation, gaining power when developing strategy, and the relationship between strategy and organized actions in businesses and organizations. The brief also offers advice on the dynamics of competitive advantage, as well as the need for senior managers and leaders in businesses to develop a strategic thinking mindset. Importantly, the advice in this brief is not limited a specific industry but rather can be applied in any industry and achieve the desired results.


Background 出身背景

The 21st century continues to witness significant shifts in the corporate world. Whereas some of the firms that have gone through these changes managed to rising to the top of their echelon, others have found their way to the bottom of the ladder. With this in mind, researchers and scholars have invested heavily in seeking to understand how businesses can develop strategies that will enable them to remain afloat and relevant in their respective fields. While this is the case, most of these proposed strategies in these researchers and scholars’ work follow the traditional approach to doing businesses and as such, they are incapable of helping businesses in the 21st century address their needs. Rumelt (2011) overcomes these limitations in his work by exploring not only the strategies that businesses can adopt in the modern corporate environment but also explores the actual processes of developing these strategies. He thus explores both the good and bad strategies as well as proposes way through which businesses can gain an edge over their competitors in the market through strategic approaches.

