管理学论文代写,General Advice on Strategy for Senior Managers, 管理人员战略的一般建议

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:40 范文

Strategy and Resource Management 战略和资源管理

One of the greatest lessons that Richard Rumelt emphasizes in his book regards how businesses and organizations across the globe use their resources particularly with regard to the development and implementation of their strategies. In this regard, he argues that firms should concentrate on a few needs that have a maximum impact on their operations rather than spread these resources to address a wide array of needs. Rumelt (2011) acknowledges that most firms across the globe spread their resources to cater for diverse needs rather than concentrate them on just a few of these needs. The argument behind this spread of resources is founded on the concepts and principles of diversification, which secures a firm from uncertainty in the event of failure of one or more of its products or services on market. Whereas this is the case, there is a need to observe that spreading of resources within a firm could undermine its ability to operate efficiently and effectively. For example, a firm that focuses on a range of customers on the market could soon find itself constrained by the fact that rather than providing quality products or services to its customers, it could end up providing products and/or services that have average or low quality. This poses a great risk to the firm in question, especially if the competitors are offering similar products and/or services but guaranteeing high quality to customers. Capon and Go (2016) affirm this in their argument that when assigning resources during the development and implementation of strategy, firms need to adopt selectivity and concentration principles whereby they chose the aspects that critical to their success and then concentrate their resources on these aspects. For instance, a company such as Apple Inc. has consistently concentrated its resources on premium brands since it targets a high-end market.

理查德·鲁梅尔特(Richard Rumelt)在书中强调的最重要的教训之一是,全球各地的企业和组织如何利用其资源,特别是在制定和实施其战略方面。在这方面,他认为,企业应该专注于对其运营产生更大影响的少数需求,而不是分散这些资源以满足广泛的需求。Rumelt(2011)承认,全球大多数公司都将其资源用于满足不同的需求,而不是只专注于其中的一小部分需求。这种资源分散背后的论据是基于多元化的概念和原则,多元化使一家公司在其一种或多种产品或服务在市场上出现故障时免受不确定性的影响。鉴于这种情况,有必要观察到,企业内部资源的分散可能会削弱其高效运作的能力。例如,一家专注于市场上一系列客户的公司可能很快就会发现自己受到这样一个事实的约束,即它可能最终提供的产品和/或服务质量一般或较低,而不是向客户提供高质量的产品或服务。这给相关公司带来了巨大的风险,尤其是如果竞争对手提供类似的产品和/或服务,但保证客户的高质量。Capon和Go(2016)在其论点中确认了这一点,即在制定和实施战略期间分配资源时,企业需要采用选择性和集中原则,从而选择对其成功至关重要的方面,然后将资源集中在这些方面。例如,苹果公司(Apple Inc.)等公司一直将资源集中在高端品牌上,因为它瞄准的是高端市场。

Rumelt’s advice on the need for firms to concentrate their resources on fewer and specific aspects of their strategy is relevant and useful in a number of ways. To begin with, concentrating resources on a specific aspect of the firm’s strategy creates a platform to enhance learning and knowledge generation and as such, nurture the firm’s excellence in that particular area. For example, Person (2010) notes that spreading out resources on more than three strategies could undermine the firm’s ability to generate knowledge and master a particular strategy, which hinders its ability to generate efficiency and synergy from such a strategy. Therefore, through concentrating resources on a particular aspects or strategy, firms manage to facilitate learning and enhance their level of excellence in the particular area. Furthermore, through concentrating resource in a particular area or strategy, firms establish a framework to improve their ability to innovate.


Understanding the role of power in a strategy 理解权力在战略中的作用

Another critical advice that Rumelt gives in his book is the fact that it is impossible to develop and implement an effective strategy is such a strategy is incapable of giving the firm power over other firms in the market. Rumelt (2011) observes that most firms, when analyzing their competitors, focus on the strengths that such competitors have. For example, when evaluating competitors that rely on low cost strategies to conquer the markets, firms are likely to consider elements such as the economies of scale that such firms have. Whereas this is the case, one of the questions that emerge is whether firms that have managed to conquer markets and establish their brands have weaknesses that could render them powerless in such markets. In his analysis, Rumelt (2011) reiterate that firms need to go beyond evaluating the strengths of their competitors and analyze their weaknesses since such weaknesses exist. In this case, it is only through the understanding the weaknesses of competitors that firms can enhance their power on the market (Sirmon, Hitt, Arregle & Campbell, 2010). Arguably, understanding competitors’ weaknesses enable firms to break the vicious cycle of developing and implementing strategies in response to competitors’ strategies. For example, when a competitor reduce the price of its products and/or services, a firm that understand this competitor’s may not necessarily need to respond with price reduction in response. On the contrary, it can exploit the competitor’s weakness to gain competitive advantage.

