
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:23 范文

The article by Ian Mosby and the book chapter Mary-Ellen Kelm examines the health of the aboriginal people during the colonial period in Canada. In particular, the two scholars examine how the Canadian government and other institutions sought to interrupt the normal way of lives of the native communities with the objective of improving their healthcare. Therefore, these scholars review the lives and traditions of the native communities were disregarded as inferior to the modern way of life, a factor that contributed to the Canadian government introducing elements such as resident schooling as a way to delink the younger generations from their ancestors’ way of life.

伊恩·莫斯比(Ian Mosby)的文章和玛丽·艾伦·凯尔姆(Mary Ellen Kelm)一书探讨了加拿大殖民时期原住民的健康状况。特别是,两位学者研究了加拿大政府和其他机构如何试图中断土著社区的正常生活方式,以改善他们的医疗保健。因此,这些学者对土著社区的生活和传统进行了审查,认为他们的生活和传统不如现代生活方式,这一因素促使加拿大政府引入居民学校教育等要素,将年轻一代与其祖先的生活方式脱钩。

To begin with, Kelm explores the interference of the traditional practices of the native people in Canada by arguing that their colonial master did not just colonise them by taking their land and others resources but also by seeking to colonise their bodies too.[ Mary-Ellen Kelm, Colonizing bodies: Aboriginal health and healing in British Columbia, 1900-50 (Vancouver: UBC press, 1998), 74.] In this regard, Kelm argues that the colonial masters perceived that it was not enough to rule over the native people. On the contrary, they thought that it was necessary to ensure that their way of life, and particularly their healthcare, conformed to the standards of the colonisers. One of the critical issues that emerge from the way Kelm presents her narration of history is embedded in the way she presents it to the audience. In particular, rather than focusing on the physical confrontation that the colonialists used to conquer and colonise the native communities, she concentrates on how they used mental transformation as a way to subject the natives to colonial rule. By doing this, the colonialists would assert their authority by showing the native people that they were superior not only with respect to war but also with regard to healthcare. Despite these efforts, Kelm’s narration creates a perception that the colonialists failed to conquer the native communities in Canada as far as health is concerned since their approach to health only led to weakening of the Aboriginal bodies and deaths.[ Kelm, 1998, 80.]

首先,凯尔姆探讨了加拿大原住民传统习俗的干扰,他认为,他们的殖民主人不仅通过掠夺他们的土地和其他资源来殖民他们,而且还试图殖民他们的身体。[Mary Ellen Kelm,《殖民机构:不列颠哥伦比亚省土著人的健康和康复》,1900-50年(温哥华:UBC出版社,1998年),74。]在这方面,凯尔姆辩称,殖民地的统治者认为统治土著人是不够的。相反,他们认为有必要确保他们的生活方式,特别是他们的医疗保健,符合殖民者的标准。凯尔姆存在方式中出现的一个关键问题是她对历史的叙述植根于她向观众展示历史的方式中。特别是,她没有关注殖民者用来征服和殖民土著社区的身体对抗,而是专注于他们如何利用心理转变将土著人置于殖民统治之下e殖民主义者会通过向土著人民展示他们不仅在战争方面而且在医疗保健方面的优越性来维护他们的权威。尽管做出了这些努力,凯尔姆的叙述还是造成了一种印象,即殖民主义者未能征服加拿大的土著社区,因为他们的做法与健康有关健康问题只会导致土著人身体的衰弱和死亡。

Whereas Kelm focuses on the healthcare of the Aboriginal people from the perspective of transformation of their mentality towards practices that would lead to better health, Mosby focused on their health in relation to health. In this regard, Mosby’s article argues that the Canadian government and other institutions failed to create a platform for the Aboriginal to enhance their nutrition, which eventually undermined their healthcare.[ Ian Mosby, “Administering colonial science: Nutrition research and human biomedical experimentation in Aboriginal communities and residential schools, 1942–1952,” Histoire sociale/Social history 46, no. 1 (2013): 151.] From this article, it is clear that the Canadian government, which through colonising the Aboriginal had portrayed itself as being capable of providing the need for the natives failed to honour its promise and as such, promoted malnutrition among the local communities, thus endangering their lives and their future. Importantly, Mosby narrates the history of the Aboriginal people by noting that due to the perception among the settlers that the native people were inferior, challenges such as malnutrition were perceived as the problem of the native communities.[ Mosby, 2013, 153.] Thus, from Mosby’s perspective, the Canadian government and other institutions failed to acknowledge that they were the major contributors to the problems that the native communities were facing, particularly with respect to health and nutrition. The failure to acknowledge their failures made the government to implement policies that worsened the problem of malnutrition rather than alleviate it. Thus, Mosby creates a perception in his work that after interrupting the lives of the Aboriginal people through colonisation, the Canadian government did not seek to understand their culture and practices as far as nutrition is concerned, thus proposing measures that failed to achieve their objectives.

