
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:56 范文

Introduction 介绍

The changing technology over the years has been instrumental in helping transform the media landscape. In particular, technology has helped enhance the way the media communicates to the masses not only within specific country borders but also across the globe. One form of the media that has enhanced mass communication is the social media. In reference Shirky (2011), the emergence of the internet in the early 1990 has created a platform to network millions of people across the globe through social media. Notably, social media does not just provide a channel for people to communicate with each other using short written messages, pictures, short videos and memes among others, but has also become a platform upon which the society use to communicate and deliberate on different public issues that concerns their lives. For example, his analysis of the social media and its political power, Shirky (2011) recounts that on January 17, 2001, thousands of Filipinos were able to coordinate peaceful protests through sending each other the message, “Go 2 EDSA. Wear Black”, which led to the ouster of the Philippines president, Joseph Estrada. Such events and others have led to studies regarding the power of social media. With this in mind, this study explores whether social media enhances the public sphere. To answer this question, the paper will conduct a case study on Facebook and how it is often used to champion for human rights in society.

多年来不断变化的技术有助于改变媒体格局。特别是,技术有助于提高媒体与大众的沟通方式,不仅在特定境内,而且在全球范围内。增强大众传播的一种媒体形式是社交媒体。参考Shirky(2011),1990年初互联网的出现创造了一个平台,通过社交媒体将全球数百万人联系在一起。值得注意的是,社交媒体不仅为人们提供了一个通过短信、图片、视频短片和模因等进行交流的渠道,而且还成为了社会就与其生活相关的各种公共问题进行交流和讨论的平台。例如,他对社交媒体及其政治权力的分析Shirky(2011)指出,2001年1月17日,数千名菲律宾人通过互相发送信息“Go 2 EDSA.穿黑色”来协调和平抗议,这导致菲律宾总统约瑟夫·埃斯特拉达下台。这些事件和其他事件导致了关于社交媒体力量的研究。有鉴于此,本研究探讨了社交媒体是否能增强公共领域。为了回答这个问题,该报将在Facebook上进行一个案例研究,以及它如何经常被用来在社会上捍卫人权。

Case study on Facebook: Human rights and freedom Facebook案例研究:人权与自由

Human rights and freedom is one of the issues that have been discussed in different context over different generations across globe. Despite the fact that over the years the global community through agencies such as the United Nations and other regional and country institutions and movements such as the Civil Rights movement have worked on different ways to promote agitate for different forms of human rights and freedom, there are still cases of rights and freedom abuses across the globe. Whereas this is the case, there is a need to observe that different societies across the globe still experience different forms of human rights abuses while others still face problems because of lack of element such as democracy. In her analysis of human right and freedom in different parts of the globe, von Stein (2016) argue that despite global debate and agreements on the need to enforce certain laws and regulations to promote human rights and freedom, there are still numerous cases of human rights abuses in different societies across the globe. Whereas this is the case, the rise of social media has been instrumental in creating a public space where people can freely discuss about different aspects of human right, and to some extent, force governments and other agencies to take action. This study examines how Facebook has been used as a platform to champion for human rights and freedom in different societies across the globe.

人权和自由是全球几代人在不同背景下讨论的问题之一。尽管多年来,国际社会通过联合国等机构和其他区域和机构以及民权运动等运动,努力以不同的方式促进对不同形式人权和自由的鼓动,全球仍有侵犯权利和自由的案例。虽然情况确实如此,但需要注意的是,全球不同的社会仍然存在不同形式的侵犯人权行为,而其他社会由于缺乏民主等因素仍然面临问题。von Stein(2016)在对全球不同地区的人权和自由进行分析时指出,尽管全球就需要执行某些法律法规以促进人权和自由进行了辩论并达成了一致意见,但全球不同社会仍存在大量侵犯人权的案例。尽管如此,社交媒体的兴起有助于创造一个公共空间,人们可以自由讨论人权的不同方面,并在某种程度上迫使政府和其他机构采取行动。这项研究考察了Facebook是如何被用作全球不同社会捍卫人权和自由的平台的。
