
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:21 范文

Mythological characters play critical functions in literature. Apart from featuring in literature as persons with developed characters, they also play an instrumental role either directly or indirectly in creating a platform for development of literal features, construction of characterisation, and/or the development of rhetorical argument. This essay sets out to evaluate the way in which Penelope and Jocasta, among the prominent women who featured in Greek mythologies, played a pivotal role in influencing the fate of their husbands. Through acknowledging that these characters often maintained a state of ignorance, the essay will examine specific scenarios in which these women contributed either to their husband’s triumph or downfall. To achieve this, the essay will not only rely on Homer’s Odyssey and Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex but also on analysis of these characters as featured in scholarly analyses and opinions over the years.


One of the notable aspects concerning Penelope and Jocasta is embedded in the fact that these women were the essence upon which their husbands rose to power, and were also the cause of their husbands’ demise. To begin with, there are numerous accounts that Penelope plays a critical role in inspiring her husband, Odyssey, to desire to return to his homeland, Ithaca, and as such, his sought for victory after victory just to come back home. Notably, Penelope and Odysseus had true love between them and as such, they desired to be together with each other (Lewis 5). The true love that Odysseus had for Penelope is evident in the sense that despite the staying away from his home for twenty years, all that he longed for was to return home to his wife. This is irrespective the challenges and battles that he constantly faced while away from Ithaca.


The love that Odysseus had for Penelope does not just inspire him to fight battles and seek to return home, but also help him to withstand tough tests during his epic journeys. In one of the tests, Atlas’s daughter, Calypso, the goddess living on the island of Ogygia, detained Odysseus with the aim of forcing him to marry her (Homer 85).


 According to Homer: 根据荷马的说法:

He was weeping in the palace of the nymph Calypso, who keeps him there by force. He has no way of getting back to his own land—he lacks companions and ships equipped with oars, to carry him across the sea's broad back.


Odysseus’ triumph over Calypso’s power and charms reveal his deepest love not only for his homeland Ithaca but also for his wife Penelope. Researchers and scholars agree that among the tests that Odysseus passed through, Calypso’s test was the toughest considering the fact that she did not offer him marriage alone but had also promised to offer him immortality if he agreed with her terms (Whelan 456). “Calypso offers Odysseus an opportunity that is enormously tempting” (Whelan 456).  This is further emphasised in the work of Patrick J. Dobel on Mortal leadership in Homer’s Odyssey. In this regard, this scholar emphasises the fact that despite living with Calypso for ten years, he still escapes with the aim of returning back to his wife, Penelope (Dobel 221). Thus, because of his love for his wife, and knowing how faithful his wife had been to him through consulting through fortune tellers, Odysseus manages to overcome the temptations to become like a god.

奥德修斯战胜卡利普索的力量和魅力,不仅显示了他对祖国伊萨卡的最深爱,也显示了他对妻子佩内洛普的最深爱。研究人员和学者们一致认为,在奥德修斯通过的测试中,卡利普索的测试是最难的,因为她并不是单独向他求婚,而是承诺如果他同意她的条件,她会给他永生(惠兰456)。“卡利普索为奥德修斯提供了一个极具诱惑力的机会”(惠兰456)。这一点在帕特里克·J·多贝尔(Patrick J.Dobel)关于荷马《奥德赛》中凡人领导力的著作中得到了进一步强调。在这方面,这位学者强调了一个事实,即尽管与卡利普索生活了十年,但他仍然逃跑,目的是回到他的妻子佩内洛普身边(多贝尔221)。因此,由于他对妻子的爱,以及通过算命师的咨询知道妻子对他是多么忠诚,奥德修斯成功地克服了成为神的诱惑。
