Rhetoric-in-Practice: Role of Women in Society 实践中的修辞代写,妇女在社会中的作用

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:23 范文

Whereas this is the case, there is a need to observe that strong willed women in the Moveable Beast managed only to attract negative attention from men and the rest of society. This implies that despite their strong will, such nature was perceived as something that did not rhyme with societal norms. For instance, I find it weird when a man, Billy Beecham, tries to kiss Angela without her consent, he is not reprimanded. On the contrary, Angela is reprimanded by her supervisor for her reactions after the kiss. In this case, Angela’s supervisor at the ice cream shop, Phil, notes that Angela is a bad person because of the way she reacted to the form of sexual harassment from Beecham. This is synonymous with the most societies across the globe where women, because of the way they are perceived in society, are not expected to report sexual harassment. On the contrary, as researchers and scholars observe, most of these societies often reprimand women who report or defend themselves any form of sexual harassment, thus creating a leeway for men to continue with their vices (Rudman, Borgida and Robertson 520). Since such are the expectations, Phil argues that Angela had not reacted in a proper way towards Beecham. He further notes that Angela is a bad person and as such, should not work in an ice cream shop (Headley 97). In this case, it is clear that societies, rather than defending women against sexual harassment, they are likely to attack their character as a way to remind them that as “sexual objects”, they have no independence to say to men’s seductions.

事实就是如此,我们需要观察到,在《动兽》中意志坚强的女性只会吸引男性和社会其他人的负面关注。这意味着,尽管他们意志坚强,但这种性质被认为与社会规范不符。例如,当一个叫比利·比查姆的男人未经安吉拉同意就试图亲吻她时,我觉得很奇怪,他没有受到谴责。相反,安吉拉因为接吻后的反应而受到上司的斥责。在本案中,安吉拉在冰淇淋店的主管菲尔指出,安吉拉是个坏人,因为她对比查姆性骚扰的反应方式。这是全球大多数社会的代名词,在这些社会中,由于社会对妇女的看法,不希望妇女报告性骚扰。相反,正如研究人员和学者所观察到的,这些社会中的大多数往往谴责报告或为自己辩护任何形式性骚扰的妇女,从而为男子继续其恶习创造了余地(Rudman、Borgida和Robertson 520)。由于这就是期望,菲尔认为安吉拉对比查姆的反应不恰当。他进一步指出,安吉拉是个坏人,因此不应该在冰淇淋店工作(Headley 97)。在这种情况下,很明显,社会不但不保护妇女免受性骚扰,反而可能攻击她们的性格,以此提醒她们,作为“性对象”,她们没有独立权对男人的诱惑发表意见。

Similarly, despite the strong will the women in Bastardville are portrayed to have Headley, there is a need to observe that they are still expected to get married not to men of their choice, but men who are chosen for them by their mothers. In this regard, the girls were not expected in Bastardville to choose their mates. On the contrary, the mothers held this responsibility in society. On one hand, this arrangement as far as marriage is concerned depicts women as critical decision makers in this society. This is contrary to most societies across the globe, which has given men a mandate to make critical decisions in society including the marriage of their children. Arguably, researchers observe that most societies perceive women as weak decision makers, and as such, give such responsibility to men (Chattopadhyay and Duflo 1409). However, as far as marriage is concerned, women have a greater role in making decision in Headley’s narrative. While this is the case, there is a need to note that giving the role of making choices on husbands rather than to daughters who are getting married undermines their roles and position as women in society. In this case, whereas the choice is being made by a woman, it is does on behalf of another woman, thus undermining her rights to make her own personal decision. For instance, in the case of Angela, whereas she knew that her mother could choose a husband for her, she was not ready to get married.

同样,尽管巴斯塔德维尔的妇女被描绘成拥有赫德利的坚强意志,但需要注意的是,她们仍然被期望与母亲为她们选择的男人结婚,而不是与自己选择的男人结婚。在这方面,巴斯塔德维尔的女孩们不应该选择自己的伴侣。相反,母亲们在社会上负有这种责任。一方面,就婚姻而言,这种安排将妇女描述为这个社会中的关键决策者。这与全球大多数社会相反,因为社会赋予男人在社会中做出关键决定的权力,包括他们的孩子的婚姻。可以说,研究人员观察到,大多数社会认为女性是软弱的决策者,因此,将这种责任赋予男性(Chattopadhyay和Duflo 1409)。然而,就婚姻而言,在赫德利的叙述中,女性在决策中的作用更大。在这种情况下,需要注意的是,赋予丈夫而不是即将结婚的女儿选择的角色会削弱她们作为女性在社会中的角色和地位。在这种情况下,虽然选择是由一名妇女作出的,但它是代表另一名妇女作出的,从而损害了她自己作出决定的权利。例如,就安吉拉而言,虽然她知道母亲可以为她选择丈夫,但她还没有准备好结婚。

In conclusion, the narrative, Moveable Beast, by Maria Dahvana Headley represent women has having a significant level of autonomy in Bastardville society. In this case, women in this society had the liberty to defend themselves, mainly from harassment from men. In addition, at the end of the narrative, Angela is the only one who is able to charm the beast that his father had haunted for years, and that which Beecham was unable to catch. Thus, women in this society are presented as having some level of autonomy and rights that women did not have. While this is the case, the text through its narrative highlights the aspect that women still face challenges in society particular from the negative attention from men. However, from the conclusion of the narrative, it is clear women are winning the fight against gender inequality in society.

总之,玛丽亚·达瓦纳·赫德利(Maria Dahvana Headley)代表女性的叙事作品《可移动的野兽》(Moveable Beast)在巴斯塔德维尔社会中具有相当程度的自主性。在这种情况下,这个社会中的妇女有自由保护自己,主要是免受男人的骚扰。此外,在故事的结尾,安吉拉是一个能够迷住这头野兽的人,而这头野兽是他父亲多年来一直在闹鬼,而比查姆却抓不到的。因此,这个社会中的妇女被认为拥有妇女所没有的某种程度的自主权和权利。尽管如此,文本通过其叙述突出了妇女在社会中仍然面临挑战的方面,特别是来自男子的负面关注。然而,从叙述的结论来看,很明显,妇女正在赢得与社会性别不平等的斗争。
