Assignment辅导(2):International Business and Economy – Assignment - 1 国际商业与经济-任务-1

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:46 范文

Despite the advantages that market globalisation offers to markets and economies across the globe, there is a need to observe that as an organising framework, it has a number of weaknesses that undermines its advantages. These are revealed in its societal and firm level consequences in the economy. At a societal level, whereas market globalisation creates jobs for poor countries, most multinational corporations often pay low wages, thus undermining the welfare of the poor (David & Dorn 2013). This contributes to widening of the gap between the poor and the rich, thus a platform for persistence inequality in third world countries. In some cases, jobs are lost due to offshoring of jobs, thus increasing risks of a rise in unemployment levels in some economies. In addition to this, Vaidya (2006) argues that market globalisation undermines national sovereignty. As a result of this, countries and economies across the globe continue to lose their independency as far as decisions on their economic policies are concerned. This is worsened by the fact that due to a high level of integration, most economies are unable to shield themselves from the effects of financial or monetary crisis whenever it arises such as in the case of the 2007/08 global financial crisis.


On a firm level, there are both positive and negative consequences of market globalisation as an organising framework. With regard to positive consequences, there is a need to note that market globalisation creates numerous opportunities that businesses can explore on an international market, thus achieving substantial growth (Cavusgil, Knight & Riesenberger 2016). For instance, due to market globalisation, businesses that engage in proactive internationalisation are likely to easily access new markets for their products and/or services. Furthermore, market globalisation plays an instrumental role in helping firms internationalise their value chain, thus enabling them to reduce the cost of production and enhance efficiency. Whereas this is the case, there is a significant rise in the level of competition among firms across the globe, with local small firms facing the risk of being faced out of business by large multinational corporations. Furthermore, firms that fail to proactive engage in internationalisation activities are unlikely to benefit from the opportunities that market globalisation creates. With this in mind, whereas market globalisation plays a critical in organisation and redefining the way economies and firms engage in international businesses, it also poses risks to such economies and firms.

Question 2: Cross-cultural risk  问题2:跨文化风险

One of the greatest challenges that people from different parts of the globe often encounter is cultural misunderstanding, which could undermine human values and impact negatively on all dimensions of international business. One of the factors that contribute to cross-cultural risk is language. An evaluation of people from different parts of the world indicates that there are significant differences among them as far as language use is concerned (Menipaz & Menipaz 2011). For example, language poses a cross-cultural risk to a negotiation environment that involves people from different backgrounds. Apart from language, another aspect that poses such a risk is the value system. Notably, despite the fact that market globalisation has increased the interaction of people from different parts of the globe, there still exist significant differences in the value system of people from diverse backgrounds (Menipaz & Menipaz 2011). For instance, whereas the people from an American background are likely to value individualism, people from a Chinese background are likely to value collectivism. In addition to these, there is a need to observe that people are different backgrounds are influenced by the custom and/or religious practices, which affect their lifestyles and mind-sets. Therefore, when engaged in aspects such as making decisions, people are likely to follow divergent decision-making paths. If such differences in their customs and/or religious practices are not acknowledged, it could create cross-cultural conflicts, thus undermining their ability to collaborate in an international business environment.

来自世界各地的人们经常遇到的更大挑战之一是文化误解,这可能破坏人类价值观,并对国际商业的各个方面产生负面影响。造成跨文化风险的因素之一是语言。对来自世界不同地区的人的评估表明,就语言使用而言,他们之间存在显著差异(Menipaz&Menipaz,2011)。例如,语言对涉及不同背景的人的谈判环境构成了跨文化风险。除了语言之外,造成这种风险的另一个方面是价值体系。值得注意的是,尽管市场全球化增加了来自全球不同地区的人之间的互动,但不同背景的人的价值体系仍然存在显著差异(Menipaz&Menipaz 2011)。例如,美国背景的人可能重视个人主义,而中国背景的人可能重视集体主义。除此之外,还需要注意的是,不同背景的人受到习俗和/或宗教习俗的影响,这些习俗和/或宗教习俗会影响他们的生活方式和心态。因此,当从事决策等方面的工作时,人们可能会遵循不同的决策路径。如果不承认他们在习俗和/或宗教习俗方面的差异,就可能造成跨文化冲突,从而损害他们在国际商业环境中的合作能力。
