经济学essay代写,The differences in organisational culture, 合并过程中出现的更大结构性问题

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:58 范文

Question 2 问题2

One of the critical roles that organisational structure plays in promoting an organisation’s efficiency and effectiveness is through promoting collaboration and teamwork. Arguably, the existing structures within a particular organisation can either hinder or promote collaboration between different departments as well as individuals within the organisation. Note that by promoting collaboration and teamwork, structures enable organisations to create synergy from different their existing talent, thus promoting efficiency. Importantly, one of the factors that undermine efficiency and effectiveness in organisations include conflicts between departments as well as between individuals within these departments. Whereas this is the case, modern organisations are turning to team structures to establish teams both for short and long term purposes, and as such, enhancing the way they utilise their human resources to achieve their objectives (Schermerhorn et al. 2016). This approach to promoting collaboration and teamwork ensures efficiency and effectiveness by ensuring that teams meet specific defined objectives. For example, for Indigo Books and Music to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, its organisational structure needs to support teamwork and collaboration between different individuals, teams and departments.

组织结构在提高组织效率和效力方面发挥的关键作用之一是促进协作和团队合作。可以说,特定组织内的现有结构可能会阻碍或促进组织内不同部门和个人之间的协作。请注意,通过促进协作和团队合作,结构使组织能够从其现有的不同人才中创造协同效应,从而提高效率。重要的是,影响组织效率和效率的因素之一包括部门之间以及部门内个人之间的冲突。鉴于这种情况,现代组织正转向团队结构,以建立短期和长期的团队,从而提高他们利用人力资源实现目标的方式(Schermerhorn et al.2016)。这种促进协作和团队合作的方法通过确保团队达到特定的既定目标来确保效率和有效性。例如,为了使Indigo图书和音乐达到效率和效果,其组织结构需要支持不同个人、团队和部门之间的团队合作和协作。

Apart from promoting team and collaboration, there is a need to observe that an organisational structure promotes efficiency and effectiveness through creating an environment that ensure the organisation in question functions under both certainty and uncertain conditions (Schermerhorn et al. 2016). Arguably, whereas most organisational structures are capable of supporting the functions of the organisation under certainty conditions, some of these structures would undermine its operations under uncertain conditions. Speaking from this point of view, for an organisation to achieve efficiency and enhance its effectiveness, its organisational structure must be capable of support its operations under diverse conditions considering the fact that the modern business environment is dynamic in nature and as such, is constantly experiencing change, thus requiring organisations to quickly and easily adapt.


Similarly, an organisation’s structure is instrumental in promoting efficiency and effectiveness in organisation because of its role in creating control structures that reduces wastes and improves productivity levels. In this regard, the existing organisational structure determines the spans of control that an organisation has. Notably, an organisation structure can either promote a wider or a narrow span of control within an organisation, thus influencing the number of subordinates who report directly to the management. For example, Schermerhorn et al. (2016) observe that organisational structures that have  narrow spans of control have many managers and as such less efficient while organisational structures that promotes wider span of control have fewer managers and as such, more efficient.


Question 3 问题3

The choice of an organisational structure plays a critical role in influencing how an organisation functions. Notably, an organisation can choose between a mechanistic or an organic structure. In reference to Waddell, Jones and George (2012), a mechanistic structure has a centralised authority and a hierarchical management structure, while an organic structure has a decentralised authority and flat management structure. Speaking from this point of view, the most appropriate management structure for Indigo Books and Music is the organic structure. To begin with, the suitability of the organic structure over mechanistic structure as a management approach for Indigo Books and Music is based on the fact that this company operate in a highly dynamic market. As a result, the company needs to make rapid decisions to not only enhance its market presence but also ensure its sustainability in the long run.


For instance, due to the rapidly changing technology such as the emergence of ecommerce as well as the growing popularity of eBooks, the company needs to make quick decisions on how it can redefine its operations to ensure that it remains relevant in its industry. Such rapid changes can only be achieved under an organic management structure that allows both formal and informal communication between the management and employees, and further provides a platform for a high level of collaboration and teamwork not only among employees but also among the management team members (Reigle 2001). Therefore, the company is able to make quick decisions and integrate resolutions in such decisions with its different functions with ease. This is unlike the mechanistic structure that undermines collaboration and hinders quick decision making processes within the organisation.

例如,由于电子商务的出现以及电子书的日益流行等技术日新月异,该公司需要迅速决定如何重新定义其运营,以确保其在行业中保持相关性。这种快速变化只能在有机管理结构下实现,该结构允许管理层和员工之间进行正式和非正式沟通,并进一步为员工之间以及管理团队成员之间的高水平协作和团队合作提供平台(Reigle 2001)。因此,公司能够快速做出决策,并轻松地将决策与不同职能整合在一起。这与破坏协作、阻碍组织内快速决策过程的机械结构不同。

In addition to this, the increased collaboration between employees within as well as with other departments plays a critical role in enhancing employ satisfaction, particularly in a rapidly changing organisational environment (Waddell, Jones and George 2012). Furthermore, the 21st century corporate environment is highly reliant on innovation and creativity. Notably, this can only be achieved under a more organic structure since it promotes enhanced communication between employees and does not focus on their strict supervision, thus giving them a chance to be innovative and creative in their work. This is contrary to a mechanistic structure whereby the top management is the major decision-maker. Furthermore, under this form of management, employees are strictly and constantly monitored and supervised, a factor that could lead to low employee morale and satisfaction levels (Waddell, Jones and George 2012). With this in mind, Indigo Books and Music will be better managed under a more organic structure.

