商业essay代写,A Creative Person: Jack Ma, 创意人,马云

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:56 范文

With regard to his later achievements, Jack Ma has over the last 10 years created one of the most successful ecommerce platforms in the world. In this case, through his Alibaba brand, Ma serves businesses and consumers both in and outside China. According to Felsted (2015), Alibaba is the company that has the largest ever IPO in the United States and across the globe. In addition to this, he has also created a payment system that allows traders and consumers to trade goods and services without the fear of being defrauded. With regard to his influence on the ecommerce industry, Ma has transformed the Chinese trade industry and society at large from having a negative attitude towards the internet to embracing it as a key technology that drives the success of their businesses. In this case, when he was starting his business, Alibaba, most businesses and consumers in China feared transacting over the internet for lack of trust. Arguably, most feared that the internet is a tool used by the western countries to exploit developing countries. However, the gradual success of his ecommerce platform and the opportunities its offers both traders and consumers has created an opportunity for it to be trusted as the major approach toward achieving success in this age of technology. Therefore, his legacy to the wider global community is his ecommerce innovation, which allows traders irrespective of the size of their business, to trade anywhere.


In conclusion, Jack Ma remains as one of the most influential innovator in the ecommerce field. Arguably, his innovation has an impact not only on the Chinese community but also on the global community as a whole. His business has evolved over time from being a platform where businesses and consumers could exchange information to being a platform where full buying and selling transactions are conducted. In addition to this, Ma is currently considering diversifying his business and investing in other technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence and the Internet to Things among others. Notably, his investment in new technologies is likely to redefine him again as a creative person, thus creating a foundation for him to influence the world further. Importantly, Ma can easily achieve leverage in other technologies because of his ability to take advantage of new and emerging technology, thus making an early adopter of emerging technologies.

