
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:08 范文

Introduction 介绍

Since the 1950s, businesses and organisations across the globe have experienced an increase in competition from their rivals in their respective industry. In line with this, there is an increase in attention towards providing high quality services as a way to attract and retain customers (Brady and Cronin Jr. 2001; Lassar, Manolis and Winsor 2000; Seth, Deshmukh and Vrat 2005). In reference to Brady and Cronin Jr. (2001), the quality of service focuses mainly on the product quality as well as the satisfaction of the target customer. On their part, Seth, Deshmukh and Vrat (2005) observe that the quality of service play an instrumental role in helping ensure customer satisfaction, loyalty, lower costs, performance and profitability of the business. In this case, Seth, Deshmukh and Vrat (2005) peg the ability of the business to perform better, lower costs and enhance profits on its ability to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty through provision of high quality service. Furthermore, Lassar, Manolis and Winsor (2000) affirm that for businesses to create and maintain strong relationships with valued customers, they need to first enhance their quality of service. Speaking from this point of view, the significant of the quality of services that a firm offers cannot be undermined. One of the critical steps towards ensuring high quality service in a business is through the establishment of an enhanced service environment. This report examines the role of a service environment in promoting customer satisfaction in a tea room business environment. In particular, the paper will focus on Starbucks, Lincoln, and will examine how people, space, ambient conditions, and signs, symbols and artefacts impact customer experience and satisfaction levels.

自20世纪50年代以来,全球各地的企业和组织都经历了来自各自行业竞争对手的竞争加剧。与此相一致,人们越来越关注提供高质量服务,以此吸引和留住客户(Brady和Cronin Jr.2001;Lassar、Manolis和Winsor 2000;Seth、Deshmukh和Vrat 2005)。参考Brady和Cronin Jr.(2001),服务质量主要关注产品质量以及目标客户的满意度。Seth、Deshmukh和Vrat(2005)观察到,服务质量在帮助确保客户满意度、忠诚度、降低成本、业绩和企业盈利能力方面发挥着重要作用。在这种情况下,Seth、Deshmukh和Vrat(2005)将企业表现更好、降低成本和提高利润的能力与通过提供优质服务确保客户满意度和忠诚度的能力挂钩。此外,Lassar、Manolis和Winsor(2000)确认,企业要与有价值的客户建立并维持牢固的关系,首先需要提高服务质量。从这个角度讲,一家公司提供的服务质量的重要性是无法削弱的。确保企业提供高质量服务的关键步骤之一是建立增强的服务环境。本报告探讨了在茶室业务环境中,服务环境在提升客户满意度方面的作用。特别是,本文将重点关注林肯的星巴克,并将研究人员、空间、环境条件以及标志、符号和人工制品如何影响客户体验和满意度水平。

People 人

To begin with, people, both service providers and customers, within a particular business environment play an instrumental role in helping define the business’ ability to satisfy its customers and achieve its objectives. In reference to Verma (2012), the interaction between employees and customers within a particular business environment is a critical prerequisite to quality service. This is affirmed by Boo (2017) who observes that in an industry such as the restaurant industry, human service is instrumental in defining the success of a business since such an industry is highly interactive and as such, customer satisfaction and loyalty is dependent on how employees interact with customers. For instance, an analysis my visit to Starbucks indicates that my first experience at this coffee restaurant was strengthened by the warm reception I received, particularly from employees who were friendly and able to give attention. Whereas this is the case, a negative response from one of the employees made me feel bad since I felt that he had a bad attitude. This implies that while providing a rating on their services, it is difficult for me to ignore the negative attitude from on this restaurant’s employees because his comment made me feel undervalued. Apart from employees, the behaviour of other customers too has a significant impact on satisfaction levels of other customers. In this case, an environment that portrays energetic and happy customers is likely to enhance their satisfaction level as compared to an environment that portrays them as sad and lonely. In reference to Hur, Moon and Jung (2015), customers can read the emotions of a place from both the employees of that place as well as from their fellow customers. For example, I noticed that other customers were concerned whether others were listening to their conversations, which made them uncomfortable. This made me uncomfortable too, which lowered my level of satisfaction. Therefore, I think Starbucks in Lincoln need to control and enhance the mood of both its employees and customers in order to improve its customer satisfaction levels through aspects such as improved employee attitude towards customers (Brady and Cronin Jr. 2001).

首先,在特定的商业环境中,服务提供商和客户在帮助定义企业满足客户和实现目标的能力方面发挥着重要作用。参考Verma(2012),特定商业环境中员工和客户之间的互动是优质服务的关键先决条件。Boo(2017)证实了这一点,他观察到,在餐饮业等行业中,人性化服务有助于确定企业的成功,因为这类行业具有高度的互动性,因此,客户满意度和忠诚度取决于员工与客户的互动方式。例如,对我访问星巴克的一项分析表明,我在这家咖啡馆的次体验由于受到热情的接待而得到加强,特别是受到了友好和能够给予关注的员工的热情接待。事实就是这样,其中一名员工的负面反应让我感觉很糟糕,因为我觉得他态度不好。这意味着,在对他们的服务进行评级时,我很难忽视这家餐厅员工的负面态度,因为他的评论让我觉得自己被低估了。除员工外,其他客户的行为也会对其他客户的满意度水平产生重大影响。在这种情况下,与将客户描绘成悲伤和孤独的环境相比,描绘出充满活力和快乐的客户的环境可能会提高他们的满意度。参考Hur、Moon和Jung(2015),客户可以从一个地方的员工以及其他客户那里了解该地方的情感。例如,我注意到其他客户担心其他人是否在听他们的谈话,这让他们感到不舒服。这也让我感到不舒服,这降低了我的满意度。因此,我认为林肯的星巴克需要控制和提升员工和客户的情绪,以便通过改善员工对客户的态度等方面提高客户满意度(Brady and Cronin Jr.2001)。
