经济学论文代写,Technology plays a critical role 技术的作用

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:35 范文

On her part, Davidson observes that one of the negative impacts of technology is embedded in the fact that it is taking people’s jobs (60). This is not just the case for low-skilled jobs. On the contrary, in the past, some white collars jobs have been taken over by technology. Therefore, considering the fact that the educational system has been slow to implement transformations to ensure it is consistent with the digital, most graduates from colleges lack the knowledge and skills necessary to work in the modern work. This means that unemployment level is likely to rise in future. Similarly, Davidson acknowledges that technology could isolate learners in a learning environment as well as create distractions that can undermine their learning process (62). This implies that rather than help improve students’ learning ability, technology can distract them, thus undermining their learning process.


Importantly, attention and distraction are some of the issues that feature in both Nelson’s and Davidson’s articles in their consideration of the role of technology in the modern society. To begin with, attention and distraction play a critical role in helping these writers develop their ideas and argue their case either for or against technology. In Davidson’s case, whereas she occasionally mentions the distraction that technology could bring in the modern classroom, her emphasis is on the fact that technology will help improve the attention of learners, thus enhancing their creativity and their ability to collaborate with each other. Notably, Davidson argues that learning through the use of technology promotes interactive learning, thus enhancing the ability of learner to achieve a high level of attentiveness (55). Therefore, through focusing on attention and distraction, Davidson manages to affirm the argument that technology is critical to learning in the modern society (55).


Whereas this is the case, Nelson relies on attention and distraction as key elements to argue that technology has a serious negative impact on the modern society. To begin with, she observe that technology has been instrumental in helping draw the attention of the public towards the negative vices and atrocities that occur in the modern society such as human rights violation and rape (Nelson 303). For example, through the use of technology, the atrocities committed in countries such as Afghanistan can be brought to the attention of the global community, prompting it to condemn such actions (Nelson 306). In this particular case, “attention” creates a platform for Nelson to consider the positive roles of technology. However, since her main argument promotes the notion that technology has a negative impact on society, she uses distraction to undermine this role. In this case, Nelson (300) affirms that despite bringing to different atrocities around the globe to the attention of the global community, technology often distracts this community from such issues by making people insensitive. Therefore, rather than have empathy, the desensitised public often considers such aspect as any other thing that is consumed in a virtue space. In this case, because of the distractive nature of technology, the sanctity of life is undervalued.

事实就是如此,Nelson将注意力和注意力分散作为关键因素,认为技术对现代社会有着严重的负面影响。首先,她指出,技术有助于吸引公众注意现代社会中发生的负面恶习和暴行,如侵犯人权和强奸(Nelson 303)。例如,通过使用技术,可以提请国际社会注意在阿富汗等国犯下的暴行,促使国际社会谴责此类行为(Nelson 306)。在这种特殊情况下,“注意力”为尼尔森创造了一个平台来考虑技术的积极作用。然而,由于她的主要论点宣扬技术对社会有负面影响的概念,她利用分心来削弱这一作用。在本案中,Nelson(300)确认,尽管全球范围内的各种暴行引起了国际社会的注意,但技术往往使人们变得麻木不仁,从而分散了国际社会对此类问题的注意力。因此,没有同理心的公众往往把这一方面看作是在美德空间中消费的任何其他东西。在这种情况下,由于技术的分散性,生命的神圣性被低估了。

Speaking from this point of view, Nelson and Davidson as far as their vision for society in the future is concerned. Notably, their differences are based on the way they perceive the role of technology in the modern society. On her part, Davidson thinks that technology enhances learners’ attention, promotes creativity and collaboration, and prepares learners for their employment roles in future. Therefore, Davidson thinks the society, and particularly the learning environment, needs to embrace technology as a critical learning tool. Therefore, in her ideal world, Davidson perceives the younger generations as the one who possess social power, while the older generations are fast losing this power. On the contrary, Nelson thinks technology has far reaching consequences on society. In particular, she notes that because of technologies that allow sharing of images, both still and motion, the society is on the brink of collapsing. In this regards, she perceives that because of technologies such as the internet, the society has witnessed as a significant level of perversity, rather than being transformed for the better. Therefore, from her arguments, Nelson would promote an ideal world that is void of technology, which relies on ancient art to make meaning rather than modern art, which only manages to desensitise the society.


In conclusion, technology is not only making life easier but is also transforming the different aspects of society both in a positive and negative way. Notably, an analysis of both Nelson’s and Davidson’s article reveal that technology has the potential to make the society either a better place or a worse place. From Davidson’s perspective, technology’s ability to enhance the learning environment implies that the future learning environment will help promote the success of each student irrespective of their capabilities. In this case, no student will be deemed a failure. On the other hand, Nelson’s perspective promote the aspect that the society is divided based on the strong and the weak, with the strong possessing the power to eliminate the weak using all means such as violence and torture. As such, technology is undermining the sanctity of life.

