
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:34 范文

Table of Contents 目录








ETHICS    道德


Introduction 介绍

This report explores the current capabilities of Spark New Zealand and identifies the factors that could motivate this company to embrace change. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the micro-environment of Spark New Zealand, identify and recommend area(s) that need organisational change, and identify change management model that will be applied to implement the desired change in this company. Importantly, the scope of the report will there include the use of SWOT analysis model to identify potential areas needs change and to rely on the ADKAR model to implement the desired change. Moreover, the report will limit itself to the restructuring of its organisational structure as the desired change. Importantly, the main limitation in this report is that it only provides an overview of the changes that need to be introduced through restructuring but does not go into details to highlight how the restructured departments will interact with each other to enhance the benefits of these changes.

本报告探讨了Spark New Zealand目前的能力,并确定了可能促使该公司接受变革的因素。本报告的目的是评估Spark New Zealand的微观环境,确定并推荐需要组织变革的领域,并确定将应用于在本公司实施预期变革的变革管理模式。重要的是,该报告的范围将包括使用SWOT分析模型来确定潜在的领域需要改变,并依靠ADKAR模型来实施所需的改变。此外,该报告将仅限于根据预期的变化对其组织结构进行重组。重要的是,本报告的主要局限性在于,它仅概述了需要通过重组引入的变革,而没有详细说明重组后的部门将如何相互作用,以提高这些变革的效益。

Business entity 企业实体

Spark New Zealand is one of the leading telecommunication companies in New Zealand. The company was established in 1987, as a division or rather section of the New Zealand Post Office before separating and going public in 1990 (Spark New Zealand, 2018a). The company targets New Zealand as its sole market, reaching close to 3 million consumers. As a telecommunication company, Spark New Zealand mainly provides digital services such as cloud computing, wireless broadband services, fiber network, and entertainment media. In addition to these services, this company retails products such as smartphones, modems and smart televisions. The provision of these services is supported by the company’s focus on early adoption of the latest technologies such as 4.5G and 5G network technologies (Spark New Zealand, 2018b). Importantly, Spark New Zealand has grown at a tremendous rate since its listing as a public company in 1990. Currently, the company is listed on the New Zealand, Australian and New York stock exchanges, and has a market capitalisation of $6,739 million and an average share price of $3.67 per share (Wall Street Journal, 2018). In its 2017 annual financial report, the company indicated that it has 5,774 employees who manage its operations in 14 locations (Spark New Zealand, 2018c).

Spark New Zealand是新西兰领先的电信公司之一。该公司成立于1987年,是新西兰邮政局的一个部门或更确切地说是一个部门,1990年分离并上市(新西兰星火,2018a)。该公司将新西兰作为其市场,覆盖近300万消费者。作为一家电信公司,Spark New Zealand主要提供云计算、无线宽带服务、光纤网络和娱乐媒体等数字服务。除了这些服务,该公司还零售智能手机、调制解调器和智能电视等产品。这些服务的提供得到了公司早期采用最新技术的支持,如4.5G和5G网络技术(新西兰星火,2018b)。重要的是,Spark New Zealand自1990年作为上市公司上市以来,一直以惊人的速度增长。目前,该公司在新西兰、澳大利亚和纽约证券交易所上市,市值为67.39亿美元,平均每股股价为3.67美元(《华尔街日报》,2018年)。在2017年年度财务报告中,该公司表示,其拥有5774名员工,在14个地点管理其业务(新西兰星火,2018c)。
