经济学论文代写,Business and Human Rights, 商业与人权

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:35 范文

[Problem 2] Apart from children, businesses also promote human rights abuses through failing to provide safe working conditions and equipment to workers. In this regard, despite the fact that most businesses in the technology industry have formulated policies and standards to promote workplace safety, these policies are only implemented in some markets while ignored in other markets where they have established their operations. According to Salcito et al. (2013), whereas multinational corporations adhere to strict workplace safety standards in North America, Australia and Europe, these corporations flout the standards in their operations in regions such as Africa and Asia, thus exposing millions of workers to workplace hazards in these regions. For example, a recent analysis of the operations of Green Resources, a Norwegian company operating in Tanzania, reveals that despite its written policies that promote workplace safety, these policies were not implemented in any way at their Uchindile plantation (Salcito et al., 2013). On the contrary, Salcito et al. (2013) observe that the management of this company failed to provide basic items that are necessary to promote workplace safety such as safe transportation to their work site, and safety gears, and as such, it had injury rates that were significantly higher than the average industry rate. The problem of unsafe working conditions is compounded by the fact that most developing countries often fail to enforce workplace safety standards, thus creating a leeway for businesses to violate human rights through fail to protect their workers from workplace hazards. For example, Giuliani (2016) observes that in Brazil’s Toritama, the Pernambuco government repeated failed to enforce labour safety standards, thus giving manufacturers of blue-jeans a chance to operate under unsafe and unhealthy working conditions, thus exposing workers to hazards such as gas leaks and atmospheric contamination. Therefore, most were at risk of suffering respiratory diseases.

[问题2]除儿童外,企业还通过未能向工人提供安全的工作条件和设备,促进侵犯人权。在这方面,尽管大多数技术行业的企业都制定了促进工作场所安全的政策和标准,但这些政策只在一些市场实施,而在其他已建立业务的市场却被忽视。根据Salcito等人(2013年)的说法,尽管跨国公司在北美、澳大利亚和欧洲遵守严格的工作场所安全标准,但这些公司在非洲和亚洲等地区的运营中却无视这些标准,从而使数百万工人暴露在这些地区的工作场所危险中。例如,最近对在坦桑尼亚运营的挪威公司Green Resources的运营情况进行的分析表明,尽管其书面政策促进了工作场所安全,但这些政策并未以任何方式在其Uchindile种植园实施(Salcito et al.,2013)。相反,Salcito等人(2013年)观察到,该公司的管理层未能提供促进工作场所安全所需的基本项目,如安全运输至其工作场所和安全装置,因此,其受伤率明显高于行业平均率。大多数发展中往往不执行工作场所安全标准,从而为企业因未能保护工人免受工作场所危害而侵犯人权创造了余地,这一事实使不安全工作条件的问题更加复杂。例如,朱利安尼(2016年)观察到,在巴西的托里塔马,伯南布哥政府一再未能执行劳动安全标准,从而使牛仔裤制造商有机会在不安全和不健康的工作条件下工作,从而使工人暴露在气体泄漏和大气污染等危险中。因此,大多数人都有患呼吸道疾病的危险。

[Solution 1] Despite the human right abuse problems that businesses cause across the globe, there are a number of solutions that can be adopted to minimise and eventually eliminate such problems. To begin with, one of the solutions that can help eliminate the abuse of children’s rights through engaging them in child labour is through requiring multinational corporations to eliminate such vices in their supply chain or face legal consequences. In line with this, Australian Human Rights Commission, ACCSR and GCNA (2015) observe that there is a need for multinational corporations to seek to establish long-term relationships with their supplies, thus making it easier to promote and enact their policies on human rights abuses in the operations of their suppliers. In other words, through establishing consistent relationships, multinational corporations would find it easier to help their suppliers implement policies that protect human rights and as such eliminate vices such as child labour. Such measures should be accompanied by development and adoption of social accountability frameworks that have performance indicators to measure human rights and social performance and as such, create a platform for public reporting on social impacts (Australian Human Rights Commission, ACCSR & GCNA, 2015). For example, through establishment of long-term relationship with its suppliers and adopting a social accountability framework, Apple has been able to eliminate child labour in factories that work directly with this company in Asia (Apple, Inc., 2016). Furthermore, this company uses third-party organisations to monitors the operations of its suppliers to ensure that it does not violate children’s rights through child labour.


[Solution 2] Apart from encouraging businesses to take responsibility in promoting human rights, governments too have a responsibility of formulating and implementing policies that encourage the protection of human rights within their borders. Notably, whereas there are numerous labour standards particularly on workplace safety that have been formulated in developed countries and regions such as the United States, Australia and Europe, multinational organisations may not necessarily adhere to such laws and regulations when operating in regions such as Asia and Africa. This therefore means that the governments of third world countries too have a responsibility of protecting their citizens through strict enactment of workplace safety standards. According to Ruggie (2011), one of the major mandates of the state, through the relevant regulations, policies and adjudication, is to protect its citizens from human rights abuses that are committed by third parties such as businesses and organisations. The role of the state in protecting the human rights of its citizens is further emphasised by Bishop (2012), who observe that since the state play a critical role in formulating human rights policies, it should also play the role of enforcing these policies within their jurisdiction. This means that the government has a responsibility of not only setting the safety standards for employers within its jurisdiction, but to play an oversight role to ensure that such policies are strictly adhered to. Without such monitoring, businesses are likely to undermine the human rights of workers through failure to provide a safety workplace.


In conclusion, while businesses in the technology sector play an important role in helping sustain the global economy, they also contribute to human rights abuses across the globe. Speaking from this point of view, there is a need to enforce different regulations and policies to avert human rights abuses such as child labour and unsafe working conditions. For instance, through implementing policies to eliminate the child labour in the supply chain can help technology companies significantly avert cases of child abuse. Similarly, through government regulations, businesses can be motivated to implement and deploy workplace safety standards or risk legal consequences or even revocation of their licenses if they fail to honour such standards. While this is the case, these companies need to address challenges such as cases where they have multitier relationship with their suppliers, thus reducing the visibility into the practices of these suppliers. However, such challenges can be addressed through enlisting the services of third party monitoring organisations to help provide periodical reports on the operations of the suppliers as far as child labour is concerned. This will help deter child labour. Similarly, the role of the state in protecting the rights of workers within their jurisdiction could be limited by political willingness to implement such policies. However, in such cases, international bodies such as the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation need to interject and pressure the government to adopt and implement policies that promote safe workplace policies and practices. This will in the end ensure that no person’s human rights are violated as businesses expand to new markets across the globe.

