管理学论文essay代写,4 day working (32 hour) week 每周工作4天

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:44 范文

Similarly, whereas technology could help firms to replace longer working hours with four day working week, there are a number of HR implications that people manager will face. To begin with, adopting technology as a way to reduce the working hours in firm will require people managers to develop and implement different training programs to equip their employees with the necessary technology skill to ensure that they are able to maintain high performance during the shorter periods they are at work (Young, 2017). Similarly, such firms need to recruit highly skilled talent to ensure that the performance levels do not decline due to shorter working periods. In addition, firms would need to develop and implement rigours performance measurement programs to ensure that employees actually perform to the expected standards while at the same time avoiding burnouts that could arise from high performance demand from the management. Speaking from this perspective, people managers need to balance between the demand for high performance levels and employee motivation at their workplace.

