Effectiveness of tobacco control policies in motivating continuing smokers to quit smoking. 烟草控制政策在激

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:44 范文

Data collection 数据收集

This study will use interviews to collect the much needed primary data. In this regard, the research will design and use open-ended questions to conduct these interviews with the participants, thus ensuring that specific topics and issues are covered during the interviews. There are a number of motivations that prompted the researcher to use this approach as a way to collect data. Notably, through the use of open-ended questions that focus on a specific topic, the study will not only control what the responses from the participant but it will also provide a platform to gain insights into the participants’ backgrounds and their experiences with respect to their smoking habits. This is affirmed by Gill, Stewart, Treasure and Chadwick (2008) who observe that through the use of interviews with specific topic limits, the researcher can be able to pursue a particular issue under study in detail.


Proposed analysis plan 拟议的分析计划

The study will utilise thematic analysis in the organisation and analysis of the collected data. In line with this, the study will first categorise the collected data into different themes throw data coding. In reference to Kolb (2012), coding involves open coding, axial coding and selective coding, which mainly involves identification of different categories or themes in the data, creating a connection between themes, and finally, identifying and connecting the core themes to other themes in the data. Importantly, after identifying the main theme and linking it to other emerging themes in the data, the study will them conduct an in-depth interpretation of the research findings, thus laying a foundation to make a conclusion on the topic under study.


Reflection 反射

There are a number of issues that emerged after conducting the interview with one of the participants in this study. To begin with, I noted from the interview that preparation plays a critical role in enabling a successful interview. In this regard, preparation does not just involve formulation of the interview questions. On the contrary, the researcher needs to be prepared mentally, psychologically and emotionally (Alshenqeeti 2014). From the interview, I realised that some of the issues the interviewee shared during the interview were shocking and as such, without sufficient preparation, one is likely to be affected emotionally or psychologically, and in some cases, one can easily become judgmental towards the participant. I wondered silently why someone would continue smoking when he acknowledged that he knew smoking was harming his health. However, I tried to restrict my emotions in order to remain as professional as possible. Importantly, my major strengths in the interview included the fact that I managed to ensure that the entire interview does not deviate from the topic and issue under discussion. Whereas this is the case, I think I need to improve in the way I interact with the interviewee especially when they remain silent for some time because of engaging in deep thoughts. Furthermore, I need to improve in the way I articulate questions during the interview, and how I generate new questions as the interviewee responds to different issues. By doing this, I will be able to gain more insights on the subject under discussion.

在与本研究的一名参与者进行访谈后,出现了许多问题。首先,我从采访中注意到,准备工作在成功面试中起着至关重要的作用。在这方面,准备工作不仅仅包括提出面试问题。相反,研究人员需要在心理、心理和情感上做好准备(Alshenqeeti 2014)。从访谈中,我意识到访谈对象在访谈中分享的一些问题令人震惊,因此,如果没有充分的准备,很可能会在情感或心理上受到影响,在某些情况下,很容易对参与者做出判断。我默默地想知道,当一个人承认他知道吸烟有害健康时,他为什么还要继续吸烟。然而,为了尽可能保持专业,我试图限制自己的情绪。重要的是,我在面试中的主要优势包括,我设法确保整个面试不会偏离讨论的主题和问题。鉴于这种情况,我认为我需要改进与受访者的互动方式,尤其是当他们因为陷入沉思而保持沉默一段时间时。此外,我需要改进我在面试中表达问题的方式,以及如何在被面试者回答不同问题时生成新问题。通过这样做,我将能够对正在讨论的主题获得更多的见解。
