管理学论文代写,Human Resource Management: Amazon.com Inc. 人力资源管理论文代写,商科管理学论文范文案例

发表于:2022-08-17 17:27:14 范文

Table of Contents 目录

Executive Summary  摘要

Introduction 介绍

Selection of Improvement area 改善区域的选择

Evaluation of alternative solutions 评估替代解决办法

Transformation of leadership style 领导方式的转变

Internal communication and an incentive system 内部沟通与激励机制

Implementation of the solution 解决方案的实施

Evaluation and control of the proposed implementation 对拟议执行情况的评估和控制

Conclusion 结论

Reference List 参考列表

Introduction 介绍

Human Resource Management is one of the critical management issues that businesses and organizations across the globe are concerned with. In the past, managers in organizations often focused on hiring employees and paying them a particular wage without necessarily considering whether their employees were satisfied and local to their organizations or not. However, by the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, most businesses and organizations across the globe have realized that human resource management play a critical role in supporting both their short and long term strategies in their respective industries. One of largest employers in the United States is Amazon.com Inc. This report therefore examines human resource management at Amazon.com Inc. as an area that needs changes and improvement.


Selection of Improvement area 改善区域的选择

As mentioned above, Amazon.com Inc., one of the most successful ecommerce businesses not only in the United States but also across the globe, is one of the largest employers in the United States. In reference to Fiegerman (2017), by October 2017, Amazon has a workforce of approximately 541,900 employees compared to approximately 300,000 in the same period in 2016. In line with this, apart from being among the largest employers in the United States, this company was also increasing its workforce every year. Therefore, one can conclude that apart from the infrastructure of its distribution network across the United States as well as in other parts of the globe such as Europe, another critical resource of this company is its human capital. Moreover, as Fiegerman (2017) observes, the upscaling of Amazon as a business is highly dependent on its ability to recruit and retain a high quality workforce.


Despite its massive workforce, there are concerns that Amazon has poor human resource management practices, thus undermining its ability to integrate human resources in its strategic management. In reference Boewe and Schulten (2017), there are emerging concerns that Amazon manages its workforce in poor working conditions. For instance, on April 9, 2013, close to 1,100 employees of this company’s employees in Germany staged a protest to force it to consider a collective agreement that was based on the regulations that governed mail-order and retail companies. Similarly, studies reveal that warehouse workers at Amazon work longer hours in poor working conditions and yet earn less as compared to their counterparts in the retail industry (LaVecchia, 2017). In addition, LaVecchia (2017) observes that there is a high level of discrimination with respect to remuneration of Amazon employees. In this case, whereas the top management earned large salaries and huge bonuses, its low level employees earned barely minimum wages despite the demand for high performance. With this in mind, there is a need to observe that Amazon is ranked among the top companies in the United States with the highest level of employee turnover (McCraw and Childs, 2018). According to McCraw and Childs (2018), most of Amazon’s employees feel that the pressure to millions of orders per month often force most of its employees to quit and seek employment in other businesses and organizations.


One of the questions that arise regards the justification on why Amazon needs to redefine its approach to human resource management. To begin, Amazon needs to consider its human resource management approach since its workforce play an instrumental role in promoting the sustainability of its knowledge management. According to Oltra (2005), firms that are unable to manage their knowledge cannot sustain their competitiveness in the long run since knowledge is a critical strategic asset. Similarly, Chen and Huang (2009) reiterate that organizations that have strong human resource management practices are capable of promoting innovation as compared to those with poor human resource management practices. In addition to this, Purcell and Kinnie (2007) observe that there is a direct relationship between good human resource practices and organizational performance. Speaking from this point of view, to sustain its high performance both in the short- and long-run, the company needs to improve its relationship with its workforce.

