管理学论文代写: 对企业声誉影响更大的是管理层还是员工?

发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:35 范文

The reputation of a business is one of the factors that play a critical role in strengthening customer confidence and trust and as such, it is necessary for its survival. Businesses with strong positive reputation are better placed to not only attract more customers but they have an opportunity to charge premium prices because of the perceived notion that they offer more value. [Q] According to Eccles, Newquist and Schatz (2007), “their customers are more loyal and buy broader ranges of products and services” (p. 104). Over the years, there have been arguments that due to their constant contact with customers, employees have a great influence on the reputation of businesses. On the other hand, some of these arguments affirm that the management has a greater impact on business reputation. This essay argues that since the management usually establish policies, and lead and guide employees on the values of the business, they have a greater influence on the reputation of the business.

企业声誉是增强客户信心和信任的关键因素之一,也是企业生存的必要条件。拥有良好声誉的企业不仅能够更好地吸引更多的客户,而且有机会收取更高的价格,因为他们认为自己提供了更多的价值。[Q] 根据Eccles、Newquist和Schatz(2007年),“他们的客户更忠诚,购买的产品和服务范围更广”(第104页)。多年来,有人争论说,由于员工与客户的不断接触,他们对企业的声誉有很大的影响。另一方面,其中一些论点肯定了管理层对商业声誉的影响更大。本文认为,由于管理层通常会制定政策,引导员工树立企业价值观,因此他们对企业声誉的影响更大。

 [Arg 1] The reputation of a business is built around the reputation of its management. In this regard, people associate the reputation of a business with the image the management portrays to them. Notably, on a national or regional level, the management plays a critical role in disseminating information to the public. [P] For instance, Davies and Chun (2009) observe that Virgin Airlines is associated with the image of Richard Branson, who has successful maintained a positive image and as such, despite the fact some of his products carry a premium price, he has managed to outpace competitors such as British Airways. Therefore, if such a management has a negative reputation, their public will maintain a negative image towards the organisation irrespective of whether the message they disseminate to the public is positive or not.

[Arg 1]企业的声誉是建立在其管理层的声誉之上的。在这方面,人们将企业的声誉与管理层向他们描绘的形象联系起来。值得注意的是,在或区域一级,管理层在向公众传播信息方面发挥着关键作用。[P] 例如,Davies and Chun(2009)观察到,维珍航空公司与理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)的形象有关,理查德·布兰森成功地保持了积极的形象,因此,尽管他的一些产品价格昂贵,但他还是成功地超越了英国航空公司等竞争对手。因此,如果这样的管理层有负面声誉,他们的公众将对组织保持负面形象,无论他们向公众传播的信息是否正面。

[Arg 2] The reputation of a business is based on the value and practices that the management have put in place. In this regard, these values and practices as communicated by the top management play a critical role in influencing the behaviour of employees in a certain way. [S] In their analysis of corporate brand, Gotsi and Wilson (2001) observe that internal communication and human resource management practices play a critical, which are propagated by the top management, have a great impact on the overall outcome of employees’ behaviour. [Arg 3] Furthermore, since the management are the symbol of reputation in business, they are the one who encourage and influence employees to behave in a particular way, thus helping them to project a specific image to the public. Without such encouragement, each employee is likely to bring his or her own behaviour to the business, thus undermining the overall reputation of the business.

[Arg 2]企业的声誉基于管理层制定的价值观和实践。在这方面,更高管理层传达的这些价值观和实践在以某种方式影响员工行为方面发挥着关键作用。[S] 在对企业品牌的分析中,Gotsi和Wilson(2001)观察到,内部沟通和人力资源管理实践起着关键作用,高层管理人员宣传这些实践,对员工行为的总体结果产生重大影响。[Arg 3]此外,由于管理层是企业声誉的象征,因此他们鼓励和影响员工以特定的方式行事,从而帮助他们向公众展示特定的形象。如果没有这样的鼓励,每个员工都可能将自己的行为带到企业中,从而损害企业的整体声誉。
