
发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:01 范文

To begin with, one of the ways that the management of ABC Ltd can use to integrate psychological contract in the management of this company’s employees is through recognising the employees’ union. Notably, the employees were concerned that this company had refused to recognise the employees’ union, an element that undermined their relationship with the management. According to Cullinane and Dundon (2006), the failure by the management to recognise trade unions of their employees create a ‘representation gap’ whereby employees find it almost impossible to raise their concerns. In regard, through recognising its workers’ union, ABC Ltd will set a platform for development of mutual relationship and trust with its employees, who feel that through their union, they are well represented and as such, they can air their concerns without the fear of being victimised. For example, when Richard Trafford, the service maintenance manager at ABC Ltd asked the employees to share their concerns, most of them were reluctant because they feared that speaking out would attract punishment from the management. Such scenario would have been avoided if these employees were represented by their union leaders. In addition to recognising their trade union, the management of ABC Ltd can also encourage its employees to choose staff representatives, who could act as a bridge between employees and the management. For instance, during the staff meeting that was chaired by Richard, employees were required to randomly give their views on the factors that demotivated them. As such, rather than giving views that could help the entire team, most of them focused on airing views that addressed their personal experiences and challenges. However, if there were staff representatives, they could have collected the views, concerns and opinions of the employees and presented them to the management from a collective rather than individual perspective.

首先,ABC有限公司管理层将心理契约整合到公司员工管理中的方法之一是承认员工工会。值得注意的是,员工担心该公司拒绝承认员工工会,这一因素破坏了他们与管理层的关系。根据Cullinane和Dundon(2006年)的说法,管理层未能认可其员工的工会,造成了“代表性差距”,员工几乎无法提出他们的担忧。在这方面,通过承认其工会,ABC有限公司将与员工建立一个发展相互关系和信任的平台。员工认为,通过工会,他们有很好的代表性,因此,他们可以表达自己的担忧,而不必担心受到伤害。例如,当ABC有限公司的服务维护经理理查德·特拉福德(Richard Trafford)要求员工分享他们的担忧时,他们中的大多数人都不愿意,因为他们担心直言不讳会招致管理层的惩罚。如果这些雇员由工会领导人代表,这种情况本可以避免。除了认可其工会,ABC有限公司的管理层还可以鼓励其员工选择员工代表,他们可以充当员工和管理层之间的桥梁。例如,在由Richard主持的员工会议上,员工被要求随机给出他们对降低他们积极性的因素的看法。因此,他们中的大多数人并没有给出能够帮助整个团队的观点,而是集中于发表他们个人经历和挑战的观点。但是,如果有员工代表,他们可以收集员工的意见、顾虑和意见,并从集体而不是个人的角度将其提交给管理层。

Apart from union and staff representatives, ABC Ltd needs to develop and implement the best practices in equal opportunity procedures and policies. During the meeting between Richard and the employees, it emerged that there were discrepancies with respect to rewards, allowances and privileges that were award to different employees in ABC Ltd. For example, whereas some employees enjoyed a higher level of amount allowances for company cars, others were given lower allowances for company cars. Notably, research and studies reveal that there is a positive relationship between equal opportunity and work satisfaction among employees (Guest 2002). In this regard, organisations that promote equal opportunity policies recorded a higher level of work satisfaction among their employees as compared to organisations that failed to implement such policies. Similar research findings indicate that unequal employment opportunities at the workplace also undermined the performance levels of employees, with those who felt discriminated reporting low performance levels as compared to those who felt favoured (Lester, Claire & Kickul 2001). Therefore, successful integration of the psychological contract policies in ABC Ltd will require the establishment of an environment that promotes equal opportunity for all employees irrespective of their rank, gender, age or years of employment and experience.

除了工会和员工代表外,ABC有限公司还需要制定和实施平等机会程序和政策方面的更佳实践。在Richard与员工会面期间,发现ABC有限公司不同员工的奖励、津贴和特权存在差异。例如,一些员工享受的公司汽车津贴金额较高,而另一些员工享受的公司汽车津贴金额较低。值得注意的是,研究表明,雇员之间的机会均等与工作满意度之间存在着积极的关系(Guest 2002)。在这方面,与未能实施平等机会政策的组织相比,提倡平等机会政策的组织的员工工作满意度更高。类似的研究结果表明,工作场所的就业机会不平等也影响了员工的绩效水平,那些感觉受到歧视的员工的绩效水平低于那些感觉受到青睐的员工(Lester、Claire和Kickul,2001年)。因此,成功整合ABC有限公司的心理契约政策需要建立一个促进所有员工机会平等的环境,无论其级别、性别、年龄或工作年限和经验如何。

Whereas creating an environment to satisfy the needs of employees is critical in integrating the concepts of psychological contract at ABC Ltd, there is also a need to note that employees too have a duty towards the employer in such a relationship. In particular, employees are required to show a high level of loyalty, confidentiality and respect towards the company in a relationship based on psychological contract (Hart & Thompson 2007). Currently, there was no guarantee of loyalty and trust from the employees towards ABC Ltd and as such, this company had a number of its employees to competitors. To achieve such loyalty, the company needs to development a human resource framework that promotes career development of each employee. Note that when employees understand that working for a particular company does not just end with being paid a salary, but also constitute career development, they are likely to show a high level of commitment to such a company (Hart & Thompson 2007). In addition to this, developing trust through genuine communication from the management is likely to stir up commitment among employees to the company.

尽管创造一个满足员工需求的环境对于ABC有限公司整合心理契约的概念至关重要,但也需要注意,在这种关系中,员工也对雇主负有责任。特别是,员工需要在基于心理契约的关系中表现出对公司的高度忠诚、保密和尊重(Hart&Thompson 2007)。目前,无法保证员工对ABC有限公司的忠诚和信任,因此,该公司有大量员工与竞争对手竞争。为了实现这种忠诚度,公司需要开发一个促进每位员工职业发展的人力资源框架。请注意,当员工了解到为某一特定公司工作不仅仅是为了获得工资,还包括职业发展时,他们很可能会对这样一家公司表现出高度的承诺(Hart&Thompson 2007)。除此之外,通过管理层的真诚沟通建立信任可能会激发员工对公司的承诺。
