
发表于:2022-08-17 17:37:59 范文

The Mindscan process involves copying a person’s consciousness and transferring it to an artificial body, thus ensuring that even if the person in question dies, his or her consciousness will still continue to live and function normally through this artificial body. According to Sawyer (2005), the process begins by creating a replica of a person’s body using 3D prototyping equipment and artificial skeleton, which is produced using extensive x-rays.


To make it easier for one’s consciousness to adapt to the new body, almost every body part needs to match the body parts of the human body. For example, for Jacob Sullivan (Jake), even the new set of teeth for the artificial body matched the set of teeth for his human body. Once the artificial body is ready, the “client” is taken to the scanning chamber – almost similar to a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which takes an instantaneous snapshot of the his or her mind. Importantly, while the captured consciousness is uploaded to the artificial body, the original person is transferred to the moon, since the two are not allowed to meet. Importantly, Jake was motivated to upload his consciousness to an artificial body for fear that he could lose his mind anytime because of Katerinsky’s syndrome, a hereditary disease that has an irreversible damage on the brain and result in death or turn him into a quadriplegic. His fears were worsened by the fact that his own father had been affected by the disease at almost the same age as his. On her part, Karen Bessarian uploaded her mind to an artificial body with the aim of protecting her copyrighted work for an even longer period of time. In addition, she also wanted to avoid loneliness as well as continue writing. Importantly, when compared to each other, both Jake and Karen uploaded their consciousness on artificial bodies with the home that their consciousness will live longer beyond the expected lifespan of a human being. While this is the case, Jake has a reason to regret in the sense that after reaching High Eden on the moon, he learned that doctors could nanotechnology to cure Katerinsky’s syndrome. As a young person, he regretted that he had made hasty decisions concerning Mindscan and as such, desired to come back to earth to get the treatment and continue enjoying life in his natural body. On her part, Karen’s regret was embedded in the fact that she feared growing old.

为了使一个人的意识更容易适应新的身体,几乎每个身体部位都需要与人体的身体部位相匹配。例如,对于Jacob Sullivan(Jake),即使是人造身体的新牙齿组也与他的人体牙齿组匹配。一旦人造身体准备好,“客户”就被带到扫描室——几乎和核磁共振成像(MRI)相似,它可以瞬间拍摄他或她的大脑快照。重要的是,当捕获的意识被上传到人造身体时,原始的人被转移到月球上,因为这两个人是不允许相遇的。重要的是,杰克被激励将自己的意识上传到一个人造身体上,因为他担心自己会因为卡特林斯基综合症而随时失去理智。卡特林斯基综合症是一种遗传性疾病,对大脑造成不可逆转的损害,导致死亡或四肢瘫痪。他自己的父亲在几乎与他同岁的时候就受到了这种疾病的影响,这一事实加剧了他的恐惧。卡伦·贝萨里安将自己的思想上传到一个人造身体上,目的是在更长的时间内保护她的版权作品。此外,她还想避免孤独,继续写作。重要的是,当相互比较时,杰克和凯伦都将他们的意识上传到了人造身体上,他们的意识将比人类预期寿命更长。尽管如此,杰克还是有理由感到遗憾,因为在到达月球上的伊甸园高地后,他得知医生可以利用纳米技术来治疗卡特琳斯基综合症。作为一个年轻人,他后悔自己对Mindscan做出了仓促的决定,因此,他希望回到地球接受治疗,继续享受自然身体的生活。就凯伦而言,她的遗憾在于她害怕变老。
